And without charging people for it it has been free. UNTIL XTREME DOWNLOAD MANAGER WHICH HAS COME ON THE SCENE AND DEMOLISHED "IDM". IDM is and has been trying to Monopolize the Internet with its Internet Download Manager Software for years now and has been the best by far without any competition. So any ways they gave me a 2nd serial number as a "courtesy" after i had explained what i had done with the software and why i used it. Bcuz some of those installs were on my own PC aside from work pc in which i would use the software to download files programs for customers etc. They said i had installed it on too many computers and had a f***in list of 27 diff pcs that it had been installed on and which were not even being used anymore. After Years of using IDM and having 2 serial numbers 1 bought and paid for at 25.00 & they were taken because I would install and reinstall OS systems on multiple computers because at the time I was making a living doing that kind of work for people.