I also intend to add a tiling engine, which support everything in MagicTile but also puzzles on non-regular tilings.

With further modification, this new puzzle engine will also be able to support features never before seen in higher-dimensional puzzles, including bandaging, jumbling, nonplanar cuts, puzzle generators (e.g., P×Q×R×S hypercuboid generator), and multiple cores (e.g., corner-turning cuboids) This will make Magic Cube 4D, Magic Cube 5D, Magic Cube 7D, Magic Puzzle Ultimate, and Magic Simplex 5D completely obsolete, and will make pCubes and Magic 120 Cell largely obsolete. This is sufficient to simulate every 4D+ twisty puzzle we are currently aware and many more. Puzzles will be defined using planar and spherical cuts, and twists will be rotations to the pieces above or below certain cuts. I am currently (as of early 2023) working on Hyperspeedcube 2.0, which will vastly expand the capabilities of Hyperspeedcube’s puzzle engine and overhaul the UI to be more powerful and more intuitive. I’m reluctant to write a guide for the current system when it’s going to change soon. The keybinds and piece filters systems are both complex and unintuitive and I have plans to rework them. The keyboard controls for the 3D Rubik’s cube are mostly based on Ryan Heise’s speedcube simulator. See Help → Keybind reference for keybinds.Left click to rotate a face counterclockwise.Hyperspeedcube has completely customizable mouse and keyboard controls. Filter which pieces are visible, with presets.Mouse and keyboard controls for all puzzles, with multiple keybind sets.4D “Rubik’s hypercube” from 1x1 up to 9x9.If you’re having trouble with Hyperspeedcube, join the Hypercubers Discord serverĪnd ping me ( or Developer) in the #help channel. Or see instructions to build from source Help If you’re new to hypercubing, check out hypercubing.xyz, the Hypercubing community website, which I also help maintain. It’s been used to break numerous speedsolving records and runs on all major operating systems plus the web. Hyperspeedcube is a modern, beginner-friendly 3D and 4D Rubik’s cube simulator with customizable mouse and keyboard controls and advanced features for speedsolving.